Title of ProgramClinical Pathological Co- Relation Meet On Carcinoma Larynx
Objective of ProgramEvaluation of Patient with Stridor
Participant Type (Tick applicable)Senior Resident , Consultant.
Date and Duration of programFrom – 04-04-2024   03.00 PM To –       4-04-2024   04.00 PM
Venue of the program/eventStudent Section GMC&MPGIMER,MUHS,Nashik, Civil Hospital Campus
Program Organized by (Department/ Committee/Unit)Departments of Pathology & ENTGMC&MPGIMER,MUHS,Nashik.
Program in-chargeDr. Rajendra Chaudhari
Guest SpeakerDr. Sapna Bhadane, Dr. Shubhangi Chandan
Supporting staff MemberDr. Chaitanya Bharadwaj, Dr. Hanumant Giri, Dr. Unmesh Warwantakr, Dr. Gunjan Manchanda, Dr. Kirloskar, Dr. Rajendra Chaudhari, Dr. Duhita Kodare.
Vote of thanks Presented byDr. Kirti Pardeshi
Geo-tagged photosSoft Copy – Yes
Number of participants (attended program/event)50
Brief about the Program (Activity/Event details)Lecture Delivered about Evaluation of Patient with Stridor and Management of Carcinoma Larynx.